04 September 2006


Email - Truth or Hoax

We've all received an email that is about something that appears very important. The question is do you send it to a friend or do you check to see if it's not a hoax.
Hopefully for the sake of your friends and the rest of the Internet that is teaming with such emails constantly being passed from one person to the next you check to see if it is a hoax and not send it.
The next question of course is how to check. Well there are website dedicated to doing just that. One of which is Truth or Fiction. This site has a subject list of all their recorded emails as well as the ability to search for the one you have using unique words from the message. A general idea of the subject of the email is given with the claims of the email and the truth behind it. Also you can find a copy of the email. Of course at the very top they tell you if it's truth, fiction or unproven.
There are of course other sites out there like Hoaxbusters, but Truth or Fiction seems to have the best interface and is the easiest to follow. Although Hoaxbusters does give you information about how to recognize hoaxes and the actions you should follow when you receive one.

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