05 September 2006


Security add-on for IE

Microsoft is in the process of creating an application that will help protect Internet Explorer(IE) users.
The project, named BrowserShield, is designed to catch and remove malicious code on Web pages as they are loaded and show users safe versions of the pages.
This can be helpful in preventing any problems from an unpatched IE or any new vulnerability that isn't patched yet. For people who do not have much knowledge about computers and the Internet, it could help them if they are tricked to go to a site that contains malicious code.
This is only a prototype currently, but if it works it could be one of the best things for Microsoft's security problems. When tested on eight vulnerabilities that were patched in 2005, it was able to completely protect the computer when used with a standard anti-virus and HTTP filtering. 
For more information click here.

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