15 September 2006


Spamhaus and a desperate spammer

Oh the depths a spammer will go to say he's not a spammer.
Recently an Illinois company, e360 Insight, linked to a spammer filed a lawsuit against the UK-based Spamhaus. Because Spamhaus ignored the case, the court sided with the Illinois company and fined Spamhaus $11.7 million and ordered e360 Insight be taken off their Register of Known Spam Operations (ROKSO).
Like any intelligent company would do, they have ignored the court completely, as it has no UK jurisdiction and e360 Insight is related to spamming and should be listed on the site. Spamhaus has invited e360 Insight to file lawsuit in England where is says the courts do not accept "'SLAPP' suits and impose penalties for lying to the court."
Spamhaus' full response can be found here.
Spamhaus is a company whose goal is to protect Internet networks by tracking Spammers, Spam Gangs and Spam Services. It provides realtime anti-spam protection and helps Law Enforcement identify and persue spammers.
Their ROKSO list includes 200 "known Spam Operations". The requirements for being listed on the site involve being terminated by at least 3 ISPs for violations. Once on the list all IP addresses being used by the spammers and listed on the Spamhaus Block List. After 6 months of no spam activity, a organization or group will be removed from the list.
This is a very fair list. Anyone who isn't spamming will quickly be removed from the list, but those who continue to spam will stay on the list with as much information about them listed as is known. Other lists are less likely to remove a listing from their lists.
Spamhaus also provides a list of Consumer Alerts which help to educate users on protecting themselves and what not to do.

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