03 September 2006


Zcodec is NOT a video codec

A new program has been introduced into the world, although I wouldn't say it's a positive program.
Zcodec tries to fool people into thinking it is a video codec. After doing that it has the ability to change the results of web searches, install adware, and trick users into installing other malicious software such as Trojans.
The installation of this program involves installing 3 programs, one of which is a rootkit while the other two are executables.
One of the executable files is designed to modify search engine results to display a different page. This can be used to direct people to sites that pay hosts for each click that a user makes or they can be directed to pages that steal information from user's computers.
The other executable installs Ruins.MB Trojan. The purpose of this file is downloading other malicious programs.
Zcodec does not spread itself but rather relies on users downloading it. This makes it easy to prevent yourself from getting the virus if you know that Zcodec is in fact not a codec at all. Also to prevent yourself from other such files, an antimalware scanner that detects viruses, adware and other unwanted programs and prevents them from being installed and run on a system is a invaluable tool. Of course it's useless if you don't keep it updated and running at all times.
If you are unlucky enough to have this installed on your system, it can be removed and as well Panda Software gives some information on how to remove it from the _Restore folder in both Windows XP and ME

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