30 December 2006


Personal Details

Some people are beginning to realize the amount of data that can be found online about them from simple social networking and other sites. In a recent gathering North American Federation of Temple Youth were presented with images and data about themselves displayed on the walls of the auditorium they were meeting in. It seems that the people were rather embarrassed by the gossip, images, and partying and dating details listed as well as the reference to the organization. After this meeting many removed some of the information that was listed and all are more careful to keep too personal details out of their postings.
Not only is this a matter of people being able to find things about you that you would rather they didn't know, it's also a matter of protecting yourself against predators and criminals.
I encourage parents of children who use such sites to look into what their children have posted. Not to spy on what the children are doing, but to make sure there is nothing that can lead to trouble. I would encourage doing it with the child present so the child still can keep some privacy possible but also so that both you and your children are involved and understand the dangers of such information and can change it as soon as possible.
For parents who do not know how, I will volunteer to help them in the issue, but only to parents and I hold the right to refuse anyone. I will not provide any details of the information I find, but only references to what is potentially dangerous to protect those involved. While it is public information, I am not going to provide perverts with catered details of their next victims.

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