14 February 2007


RIAA Writes to ISPs for Your Freedom

Brought to you by the same people who are suing people right and left with little or no evidence, the RIAA has written a letter to ISPs asking them to store customer IP logs for six months. The RIAA is saying that it can use this evidence to help release people from guilt. The problem with this statement is that people in the States are considered innocent and it's the responsibility of the RIAA to prove them guilty not innocent. The underlying meaning here is that they RIAA wants this data to prove that people are sharing or downloading material. Currently the evidence that is being presented by the RIAA is very limited and their attack relies more on scare tactics than on fact.
Also in the letter the RIAA asks ISPs to send people suspected of infringement information from the RIAA rather than information about their rights from 3rd party organizations and legal groups.
The RIAA continues to try to reduce people's freedoms every chance they get. The claim to be protecting the music industry and artists, but the question is how much of that money that the RIAA extorts from people goes to the artists. I'm willing to suggest that they see none of it and the RIAA is abusing the legal process in order to make more money suing people who are not even liable for the actions committed (if they were actually committed).
For complete information on this and the letter itself read here.

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